Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to make Elderberry Syrup

With cold + flu season upon us, we want to share how to make Elderberry Syrup. This simple recipe is a game changer for adults and children alike when battling against the common cold and flu. Whip up this syrup as a natural, yet effective, way to keep the family healthy all winter long. 

Elderberry Uses and Benefits

Black Elderberry is a centuries-old natural remedy for common illnesses. Loaded with nutrients, the berries provide a variety of health benefits. Scroll down to learn how to make Elderberry Syrup and start reaping its benefits too!


  • Packed with antioxidants. These can reduce the damage of oxidative stress, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and have great anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 870 mg of vitamin A
  • 406 mg of Potassium
  • 52.2 mg or 60% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
  • Fiber! 1 cup of Elderberries contain 7 grams of fiber, 25% of the daily recommended allowance.
  • Low in Carbohydrates. One cup contains 106 calories.


Elderberry plants are used in many different recipes, making this a well rounded natural addition to any diet! Common uses include:

  • Edible flowers and berries (when cooked/prepared properly)
  • Berries are juiced and used to treat the common cold/flu, as well as, various infections, dental pain, heart and nerve pain, and headaches. 
  • Cook down the berries to make syrups (keep reading on how to make Edlerberry Syrup below!), juices, or jams. These are both delicious and healthy.
  • Boil the flowers into a soothing tea, or use raw on top of a salad.

Study in Daily Elderberry Consumption

The US National Library of Medicine cited a study done on travelers from Australia to other parts of the world. 312 passengers participated in this double-blind study, taking Elderberry extract before, during, and after their travel. The study evaluated its effects in preventing sickness, as well as combating cold/flu-like symptoms. 

Overall, passengers taking the elderberry reported only 57 days with symptoms while traveling, while placebo passengers experienced 117 days with symptoms. While the Elderberry extract did not stop all passengers from getting sick, it clearly lessened their symptoms and shortened the duration of their illnesses versus the placebo group. 

elderberry popsicle recipe for kids

Kid-Friendly Elderberry Recipes

Since starting our journey in natural remedies, my family has rarely gotten sick. We have been antibiotic-free for over 8 years! My kids have first hand knowledge on how to naturally take care of themselves, which makes my momma heart do the happy dance. Try the following Elderberry recipes with your kids: they are fun to make and enjoy together!

Looking to help your family move away from medication and ‘sick season’? Check out our natural remedy guide. I can personal vouch for every one of these recipes. I make them in batches when my kids go back to school. The kids know what to take any time sick symptoms pop up, and we stay energized and healthy all year long. Break up with Tylenol, Zicam, Benadryl, and antibiotics. Help your body heal with whole foods, rest, and peace of mind.

**If you are new to elderberry, please consult with your physician before taking it in case you might have an allergy**

homemade elderberry syrup

How to make Elderberry Syrup

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 hour
  • Total Time: 65 minutes
  • Yield: 3 cups
  • Category: Remedy
  • Method: stove top
  • Cuisine: Natural Remedy


This homemade cough syrup using elderberries harnesses the healing power of honey and spices, along with thyme. Simple and kid-friendly to make and take, this syrup will help keep you healthy and happy all winter long.


  • ½ cup dried elderberries
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon each: ground cinnamon, dried thyme, ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 ½ cups raw honey
  • 23 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar (optional)



1. Place all of the ingredients except the honey and apple cider vinegar (if using), into a non-reactive saucepan. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use the back of a wooden spoon to smash the elderberries a bit as they soften.

2. Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes. Pour through a fine mesh sieve, pressing to extract as much liquid as possible.

3. Stir in honey and apple cider vinegar. Transfer to a quart jar with tight-fitting lid.

4. Store in refrigerator for up to several months. Adults, take 1 tablespoon daily.


Do not give to babies under 1 year old.

Keywords: elderberry syrup recipe, homemade elderberry recipe


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