Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Elderberry Popsicles for Sore Throats

During this season of stuffy noses and sore throats, we created a soothing recipe for Elderberry Popsicles. This naturally sweetened popsicle is full of cold and flu fighting ingredients. We made this natural remedy into a popsicle to maximize its relief-giving potential and make it fun for kids to enjoy as well. 

Fighting a Sore Throat through Elderberry

Black Elderberry can be cooked and turned into a syrup. This syrup is used to treat cold and flu symptoms through its many nutrients: antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. This syrup is a great addition to green smoothies, Smoothie Cubes with Elderberry Syrup, or taken by the spoonful once a day.

You can buy elderberry syrup at most drug stores nowadays. Just make sure to read the labels to see what they actual put into it and how much elderberry is actually in it. You can also make your own elderberry syrup for a fraction of the price.

In our Elderberry popsicles for sore throats, the syrup works with other natural ingredients to relieve cold symptoms and boost the immune system at the first signs of a cold, or even once the cold has already been caught. 

elderberry popsicle recipe for kids

( If you’re eye balling those “popsicle sleeves” and wondering where you can get them.. check them out in our Rawkstar Smoothie Shop. )

Popsicle Ingredient Super Powers

This Elderberry popsicle recipe has a varsity list of ingredients, each chosen specifically for their flu-fighting powers. Drum roll please….

  • Echinacea: shortens the duration of a cold and reduces the odds of developing a cold.
  • Raw Honey: raw, local honey adds a load of antioxidants, as well as antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Basically it provides energy and bacteria-fighting molecules to the body. It is also a natural soother for sore throats. (Check out this great article on raw vs. processed honey)
  • Fresh Orange Juice: contains vitamin C, a vitamin giant in combating sickness.
  • Fresh Lemon Juice: also full of vitamin C, because we can’t get enough.
  • Elderberry Syrup: antibacterial, anti inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that make it a great addition to any cold/flu fighting remedy.

Click here to jump over to my homemade Elderberry Syrup recipe

homemade elderberry syrup

Wellness Through Plants

Have we convinced you to make these pops and ease your sore throat? On top of the rawkstar ingredients in these popsicles, they are also naturally sweet (thanks, honey!), and a delicious treat.

‘Take your medicine’ never seemed like less of a chore. But seriously, we want to feel good and fuel our bodies, which includes medicinal fueling as well. My family no longer relies on over the counter or prescription medicine to help us. We stick to natural remedies that have proven to be effective in keeping us healthy year-round.

Because I believe that plants can heal, I have curated an arsenal of natural remedies. I will shout about them from the rooftops because I use them on my family and they work…plain and simple.

Access my free guide to all things natural and healing.

popsicles with elderberry syrup

Elderberry Popsicles for Sore Throats

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 6+ hours
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 6 1/2 hours
  • Yield: 8 popsicles
  • Category: Snack
  • Method: Cook + Freeze
  • Cuisine: Natural Remedy


Black elderberry (sambucus nigra) is known for its immune-boosting properties. We’ve taken this a step further by adding black elderberry syrup to a soothing, vitamin C-rich mixture to make elderberry pops.


  • 4 bags organic echinacea plus elderberry seasonal tea or other echinacea tea
  • 3 ½ cups freshly boiled water
  • 4 tablespoons raw honey
  • 4 ounces black elderberry syrup, about 1/4 cup
  • 1 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon ionic zinc (Trace Minerals) (1/4 teaspoon x 12 servings (50 mg each, 455% RDV) = 1 tablespoon) (optional)


  1. Place tea bags in a large glass measuring cup or bowl. Pour boiling water over the bags. Allow to steep for 3-5 minutes, or as directed on package. Remove tea bags and gently press any liquid from the bags back into the cup or bowl. Allow to cool until it is still hot to the touch, but not too hot.
  2. Stir in the raw honey and allow to dissolve. Add remaining ingredients and stir well.
  3. Refrigerate until very cold. Stir again, then fill popsicle sleeves. Lie flat or in a shallow pan and freeze until firm – 3 to 4 hours, or overnight.
  4. Enjoy one popsicle per day to boost immune system to prevent or soothe a cold or sore throat.


If you are new to elderberry or echinacea, consult your physician before consuming.

Keywords: elderberry popsicles, cold and flu popsicles


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