Friday, September 25, 2020

Weight Loss Drinks from Plant based Ingredients

Everywhere I look companies are coming out with new weight loss drinks. Everyone thinks they’ve found the perfect formula, perfect ingredients, perfect “it” factor when it comes to the best drinks for weight loss. Yet what if I told you that you don’t need some supplement with ingredients from a specific tree on a specific island in the middle of the ocean just to lose weight? I’ve got 6 of the best drinks for weight loss to share today. These drinks are simple, delicious, and full of only the good stuff.

Detox drinks for weight loss

While I don’t recommend drinking only these beverages throughout the day, they are each designed to help promote weight loss when included in a balanced diet. Each drink contains ingredients that do some pretty cool stuff in the body:

  • Apple cider vinegar– contains acetic acid, which helps stall weight gain and decreases fat in the belly and liver.
  • Gingerstudies show this root effectively reduces fat, as well as increases HDL (good cholesterol) in the body.
  • Plant based protein– According to the American Dietetic Association, a well balanced vegetarian/vegan diet provide more than adequate protein to prevent and treat certain diseases. I’ve actually created an organic, plant based protein boost for green smoothies. It adds 10 grams of clean protein to each smoothie.
  • Lemon– loaded with antioxidants to promote weight loss. You can also add it to water to create a simple weight loss drink.
  • Cinnamon– also full of antioxidants. Cinnamon has powerful anti-inflammatory affects as well.
  • TurmericCurcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, and has anti-inflammatory + antioxidants as well. If inflammation is a serious concern, then I suggest taking this in supplement form. Ground turmeric has a smaller amount of curcumin.

Best drinks for weight loss

Click through this incredible round up of weight loss drinks, and leave a comment letting me know which one you’d like to try. I love the diversity of the list, showing just how many plant based ingredients have detoxifying affects. Whether you’re looking for a new cleansing beverage to start your morning, or a soothing, slightly sweet beverage to cap the evening, I’ve got you covered with this list of the best drinks for weight loss.

this mug of morning tonic included in our best drinks for weight loss list includes lemon, ginger, parsley, and cayenne.

Detox tea

This is part of my Fresh Start cleanse, and is recommended to start each day. It’s best consumed warm, and can be made in batches for easy prep. It gives the metabolism a jumpstart, which puts it at the top of my list of weight loss drinks.

apple cider vinegar tonic is top of our weight loss drinks list. it's included in our detox drinks for weight loss list.

Weight loss drinks: apple cider vinegar tonic

This drink can be consumed hot or cold, some even like it iced! It can also be used to start the day, or as an afternoon pick-me-up. I use raw, local honey in this recipe, as it helps with seasonal allergies as well.

turmeric tonic is part of this weight loss drinks round up. the perfect plant based detox drinks for weight loss.

Turmeric tonic detox drink

This dairy free drink is surprisingly creamy. Make sure to add black pepper as this is what activates the body to absorb the turmeric. This drink fittingly used in my 7-day reset, as it’s digestive properties can really ‘get things going.’

ginger switchel is an original detox drink.

Ginger Switchel: nature’s gatorade

This is an age-old remedy is full of electrolytes. It replaces that soda in both flavor and health benefits. This alone guarantees it’s spot on my list of best drinks for weight loss.

this beautiful berry smoothie topped with blueberries also makes the list of detox drinks for weight loss.

Breakfast smoothies for weight loss

Smoothies can be a powerful tool for those looking to lose weight, or just add a healthy habit to the day. They are highly customizable, can be made with so many different leafy greens, and are super nutritious. If you’re looking to add in the healthy habit of a smoothie, check out this list of breakfast smoothies. Make sure to add in some plant based protein + healthy fat to turn these smoothies into meal replacements.

Spiced Almond Milk: a weight loss drink

Not all detox drinks for weight loss need to be sour. The recipe below is a sweet, warm, comfort drink that stabilizes blood sugar. I like to sip this drink before bedtime, as it helps my body wind down from the day, and lets me know it’s time for rest.


Spiced Almond Milk

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 1 cup
  • Category: Beverage
  • Method: Blending
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan


This is the perfect little treat at the end of a long day. The combination of almond milk + warming digestive spices balances your blood sugar and stabilizes your metabolism, while the extra protein boost from the almond butter helps curb hunger pains.


  • 1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • A pinch of ground ginger
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small pan.
  2. Heat on the stove over medium heat until warm.*
  3. Pour into a mug.


*Pro tip: After heating the ingredients on the stove, pour the mixture into the blender and run it for about 30 seconds (leave a little hole in the lid for the steam to escape). This makes sure everything is mixed super well, and adds a bit of froth to make you feel like you just got served at your favorite coffee shop!

Keywords: warm almond milk

A healthier way to detox + lose weight

Many of the best drinks for weight loss found in this article are from either my Fresh Start cleanses or my Thrive Reset cleanses. I’ve created 21-day and 7-day programs that use only whole food, plant based ingredients to bring you smoothies, snacks, meals, and cleansing drinks to detox the body, and promote a healthier you. Cleansing doesn’t have to consist of inedible, expensive supplements/drinks that make you feel terrible. It can be full of delicious, cleansing food, no weird powders, and lasting results for the body and mind.


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