Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Healthy Caramel Apple Dip

This caramel apple dip is a great healthy snack that’ll keep you full for hours.

Happy fall! We made it! That means it’s time for apples and pears, oh my! I saw we give apples and pears their own spotlight before pumpkin everything takes over. From homemade apple sauce to pear smoothies, there are so many ways to get into the season. This simple caramel apple dip screams fall, while still doing the body some serious good.

How to make caramel apple dip

If you’ve ever wondered how to make caramel apple dip, look no further. Now, this is not the same stuff at the grocery store (that’s pretty much crack). This is a healthier version that’ll still curb that craving and give you something nourishing. I hope you enjoy it!

Kitchen equipment to make this caramel dip

All you need to make this is a food processor. The better your food processor, the creamier your caramel apple dip will turn out. If you have a high speed blender, you could also use that. You will want to double or triple the recipe to make sure there’s enough in it to blend correctly.

Dates to use in the caramel apple dip recipe.

Healthy twist with two special ingredients

Most caramel apple dips contain corn syrup and dairy— foods that can cause inflammation and irritability. We’ve left those things outta this recipes and are using foods that are completely plant-based and healing. That means that are real foods, minimally processed and contain nutrients.

Dates are an amazing fruit. They are native to the Middle East and Mediterranean. Some fresh fruits and their dried counterparts have different names, but a date is a date!

Chances are, you’ve seen a few different varieties of dates. The most common varieties are medjool. Medjool dates are darker, plumper, larger, softer, and gooey in the middle. Others tend to be a little on the drier side. For centuries dates have been used as food and to add sweetness to dishes.

There’s nothing quite like the deep, caramel flavor of dates, especially medjool. If you’ve ever had Sticky Toffee Pudding, you’ll know exactly what I mean! Their unique flavor and sticky texture make them perfect for making vegan caramel sauce.

Cashew butter adds a thick and creamy texture this caramel apple dip. The additional protein that comes from nuts will help curb your appetite and fuel your body. If you don’t have cashew butter (or the price is too high) try using a creamy almond butter or even sunflower butter.

This recipe only uses 5 ingredients. It also has a very long storage life in the fridge, another nice thing about dates.

Creamy caramel apple dip using plant-based ingredients

Healthy Caramel Apple Dip

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1/2 cups
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Blending
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan


Hope you’re sitting down because this healthy caramel apple dip is going to blow your mind! Made with all-natural, plant-based ingredients and ZERO added sugar (no corn syrup!), this sauce is rawkin’. Use as a spread, dip, topping sauce, filling, or just eat it by the spoonful.


  • 1 cup packed medjool dates, pitted
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cashew butter
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, to taste
  • nut milk, for thinning


  1. Place pitted dates in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the chopping blade or a blender. Pulse to start breaking up the dates, then process on high until a smooth paste forms. Stop and scrape down the sides, as needed. If using a blender, add a little water to facilitate blending.
  2. Add cashew butter, vanilla, and sea salt. Process or blend again until smooth. Test the consistency of the caramel. If needed, add a little water or non-dairy milk and blend again. For the smoothie recipe and to use as a dip, leave the caramel a little thicker. If using for drizzling, add enough liquid to reach the desired consistency.
  3. Transfer to a jar with tight-fitting lid and store in fridge until ready to use. 
  4. The sauce will be quite firm out of the fridge, leave at room temperature or warm the sauce, still in the jar, in a pot of gently simmering water. Though for best flavor and texture the sauce is best used within 1-2 months, the sauce will keep 6-12 months in the refrigerator.



  • Don’t have cashew butter? Use your favorite nut or seed butter. The flavor may change a bit depending on the type of seed or nut used. Tahini is very delicious and adds a little bit of a bitter flavor like burnt sugar has.
  • For a richer sauce/dip, use full-fat canned coconut milk or add a little MCT or melted extra virgin coconut oil
  • If dates are not soft and pliable, soak them in hot water for about 15-20 minutes to allow them to rehydrate a bit. Save the water for another use or to help thin the caramel sauce, if needed.

Keywords: date caramel, vegan caramel, caramel sauce, dairy-free caramel, caramel dip


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