Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Summer Melon Smoothie

Summer brings the long, hot days and also the best fruit. Watermelon is #1 fruit I think about when I’m out on a long run. If you know any runners, we often think about food. I’ll be bringing this summer melon smoothie in a cooler to celebrate the end of my next long trail run this weekend: 13.1 miles.

Melon recipe ingredients

I like to lead adventure retreats to incredible places, like Grand Canyon, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala and Yellowstone National Park. The coronavirus put the breaks on those retreats… and even found a way to resume the Grand Canyon Adventure Retreat. We’re currently training for an October crossing of the Grand Canyon (and back!) and I think melon smoothies are gonna be my secret training weapon.

Plant-based whole food ingredients such as watermelon, blackberries and spinach.

Types of melon to use in a smoothie

Melon is high in water content and natural sugars, making it a fun smoothie base. When using melon in a smoothie, you don’t need to use as much liquid or it’ll turn more into a thin juice. There are over 30 varieties of melons, yet I’ve only experimented with these three in smoothies:

  • Honeydew
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
Fresh ingredients layered in blender jar before blending.

Can you eat melon with other foods?

Food combining can have a positive or negative affect on your body. Melon is believed to be the one food that shouldn’t be combined with others, especially grains, dairy and beans. So where does this melon smoothie fit in?

The reality is: we’re all different and we have those friends who can splurge at a buffet or potlock and feel amazing. I am not like that.

While I don’t follow any food combining guidelines, I do know that I feel best when I skip the melon at a potluck (or just stick with melon and fresh fruits… and skip the rest).

For this recipe, it is best to drink a melon smoothie on a light or empty stomach to avoid any digestive issues.

Summer Melon Smoothie with paper straw surrounded by ingredients

Health Benefits of Melon smoothie

Adding more plant-based whole foods into your diet is going to be a good thing. Aside from the obvious health benefits of eating more real foods instead of processed ones, this smoothie will give you some real tangible health benefits such as:

  • High in cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene
  • High in vitamin C which helps the immune system
  • Helps with post-workout recovery thanks to the hydration and carbs
Mason jar filled with melon smoothie

Summer Melon Smoothie

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 16 ounces
  • Category: smoothie
  • Method: blending
  • Cuisine: american
  • Diet: Vegan


Summer brings the long, hot days and also the best fruit. This summer melon smoothie is sweet and packed with antioxidant rich plants.


  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups watermelon
  • 1/4 cup strawberries*
  • ¼ cup blackberries


  1. Blend spinach and watermelon together first (until all leafy chunks are gone)
  2. Add strawberries and blackberries and blend again.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately. You can also store in an airtight container until ready to drink, yet I would only store a few hours.


*  Can also use other berries such as raspberries and blueberries.

Keywords: melon smoothie, watermelon berry smoothie


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