Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Top 5 Smoothie Blending Mistakes

We recently asked our rawkstar community what blending mistakes they’ve made, and the results are in! The truth is: Not all green smoothies turn out the way we want (and it could be due to one of these common mistakes).

Get ready to turn that smoothie from #smoothiefail to #smoothiewin after learning these simple fixes to the top 5 blending mistakes.

Adding Too Many Frozen Ingredients

In almost every green smoothie recipe we share, we recommend at least 1 frozen fruit (or ice cubes) for a refreshing smoothie. Yet what happens when all the fruit is frozen and our blender just can’t cut through the frost?

You get a chunky, thick smoothie that even a straw can’t suck down.

The easiest solution is to make sure the smoothie has a mix of frozen and fresh fruits/veggies. If that isn’t an option (yay for prepped ahead smoothie ingredients!), we’ve still got you covered:

  • Try letting the frozen ingredients thaw in the fridge overnight, so they are still cold, yet thawed for easier blending. 
  • Or, place frozen ingredients in the blender, then pour the liquid over them. Let the ingredients sit in the blender cup while you get ready for the day. The liquid will help thaw the frozen ingredients out a bit before blending, so the blender isn’t working quite so hard.
  • Add a little extra liquid to help the blender along.

Not Adding Enough Liquid

We’ve all been there and heard that noise. You know, the one where the ingredients are all added, then the blender is turned on. All the sudden, the motor moves into high gear though nothing in the blender is moving.

Most likely, there was not enough liquid added, and the ingredients are now in a blob. Never fear, a simple fix is here! Adding a bit more liquid can get that blender on the move again. Our top secret blending formula is: 1 cup leafy greens + 1 cup liquid + 1.5 cups fruit for one green smoothie serving.

Yet, these amounts change, when changing or adding to the recipe. For example, some superfoods like to absorb the liquid (like chia seeds). Start by adding in 1/4 cup of extra liquid at a time, and maybe use a spatula to break up the ingredients before starting the blender again. 

Not Blending Greens + Liquid First

Depending on the kind of blender we are using; dumping ingredients into the container, then blending, can leave us with leafy chunks… and green stuff between our teeth all day.

To get the perfect blend every time, blend the leafy greens and liquid first until there are no visible chunks will keep that smoothie smooth. Every blender is different, so also look at blending mistake #6 if there are still visible chunks.

Common Blending mistakes include using the same greens every day in your smoothie

Using the Same Greens Every Day

Ever feel stuck in a leafy green rut? It may not just be affecting the tastebuds. Even good foods can be consumed too often. We recommend changing up those leafy greens, not just to add in some new flavors, but also to get different health benefits.

Leafy greens come in all shapes, sizes, and health benefits. While kale and spinach are both leafy greens, they are actually in 2 different plant families. This means they carry different nutrients that our bodies need. We even created the ultimate leafy green list to make it easy for us to change up our greens.

Make sure to pick greens from a different family every few weeks. Green smoothies are highly customizable, so feel free to switch those leafy greens up. Healthline has some great content on the nutritional benefits of leafy greens to encourage you to blend more leafy greens.

Not Blending Long Enough

In blending mistake #4, we talked about blending the leafy greens thoroughly to have a chunk-free smoothie. Yet, overall blending time should be long enough to ensure the whole smoothie can fit through a straw and every frozen fruit chunk is obliterated.

We don’t want any frozen fruit chunks cramping our sipping style!

Even with a high powered blender, it is good to blend that green smoothie for about a minute. For a non-high powered blender, give the blender contents a stir half way through blending (blender off, of course!). This extra step will ensure a smooth drink every time.

Still Not the Perfect Blend?

Followed the fixes above, yet that smoothie still isn’t drinkable? Check out these honorable mentions below for a little extra help (thanks rawkstar community!):

  • Freezing fruits that act as part of the liquid: Some green smoothie recipes call for citrus or melons. When adding these high water fruits, we lower the amount of liquid in the recipe. The fruits actually act as both liquid and fiber. Make sure to add a little extra liquid if blending frozen ‘liquid fruits,’ or use fresh citrus and melons. 
  • Adding the ‘kitchen sink’: This is a common blending mistake for beginner and veteran rawkstars alike. We even have a blog post for #greensmoothiefails. Limit the superfood additions to one or two options. Focus on fruits that compliment each other. Follow our 1-1-1.5 method when making a new creation for the best possible outcome.
  • Leaving in the fridge for too long: Ever blend too much smoothie, or blend then leave that smoothie for a little later? Green smoothies are best consumed within 15 minutes of blending. Yet, it is perfectly fine to consume 24 hours later (after giving it a good shake!). The problem comes when that smoothie sits in the refrigerator more than 24 hours… it starts to break down a bit more, and eventually become undrinkable. Don’t waste all those nutrients by forgetting to drink that delicious smoothie! 

Have more blending tips?

Have any other blending tips or blending mistakes to share? Drop a comment below to teach or to learn. We want every smoothie made and consumed with as little frustration as possible. As always, happy blending! 


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