Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pineapple Smoothie with Kale

Pineapples are a staple in my house. They’re not only perfect for summer months- they are a delicious treat year round… especially in a pineapple smoothie recipe. In the winter, the bright color and bold taste can be a hopeful reminder that summer is on its way- haha! Besides making you wish you were on a beach, pineapples are exceptionally good at preventing heart disease. The potassium, vitamin C content, and an enzyme called bromelain work hard to keep the heart healthy. Why is this so important?

Pineapple Smoothie recipe with kale

How pineapple helps the heart

Heart disease is the number cause of death in the US, even though the disease is preventable. High blood pressure is a contributing factor to the disease and can also cause a few others such as ruptured blood vessels, reduced kidney function, and vision loss. Sounds scary, right?! High sodium levels are often the cause of high blood pressure and if eliminated could prevent these issues. The potassium in pineapple directly counteracts sodium and naturally lowers blood pressure. Hip-Hip-Hooray!

Vitamin C in pineapple smoothie

Another powerful ingredient of pineapples is Vitamin C, which prevents heart disease in two ways. First, it keeps blood vessels in good condition. Second, it lowers cholesterol levels. Strong artery walls ensure that blood is able to travel throughout the body without stopping. (Are you picturing Mrs. Frizzle and The Magic School Bus? I am!) Vitamin C also balances cholesterol levels, teaming up with bromelain to make sure plaque does not have the chance to build up.

Pineapple Smoothie Recipe

Health benefits of bromelain in pineapple

Pineapple is the richest source of bromelain, an enzyme with amazing healing capabilities that are not only limited to preventing heart disease. Since we’re focusing the heart, let’s talk about how bromelain’s superpower can be put to use to avoid heart disease.

Bromelain helps break up blood clots, a contributing factor for both heart disease and stroke. Bromelain also works to stop blood platelets from sticking together and prohibiting the flow of blood throughout the body. It is nature’s equivalent to taking an aspirin every day to prevent heart disease.

3 more pineapple smoothie recipes

As you’re reminiscing about beach vacations, remember these incredible benefits of the pineapple. Taste them first hand in Citrus Bang, a pineapple smoothie recipe that sooooo good!


Citrus Bang Pineapple Smoothie

  • Author: Jen Hansard
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5
  • Yield: 2
  • Category: Breakfast, Drinks
  • Method: blending
  • Cuisine: plant-based


In this Citrus Bang Pineapple Green Smoothie, pineapples truly get the spotlight. Pineapples are exceptionally good at preventing heart disease because of the fiber, potassium, and vitamin C content. 


  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups coconut water (unsweetened)
  • 1 orange (peeled)
  • 1/2 cucumber (peeled)
  • 2 cups pineapple
  • 1/2 lemon (peeled or juiced)


  1. Blend kale, coconut water, and orange together until smooth.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and blend again.


*Use at least one frozen fruit to make smoothie cold.

What do you think about the kale in this pineapple smoothie?

I know kale can be a bit intimidating (and you can totally swap it for spinach)— I’d love to know how you like this recipe! Share in the comments below.


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