Monday, November 25, 2019

December Photo A Day 2019

Well, this is it guys… we’re finishing 2019 and this is the last photo a day list for the year. What a year it’s been!


+ Playing along is really simple! Just look at the list each day and take a photo using the prompt as inspiration. So, for example, Day 1 is OUT + ABOUT, so all you have to do is take a photo of something while you’re out and about. Go for it!
+ You can then share your photo on either Facebook or Instagram or both! To share on Instagram, just upload with the hashtag #FMSPAD and you’re done {more details below if you need them though!} and to share on Facebook, upload to your personal page or jump into our Facebook group and share there.


+ Simply upload the photo to Instagram, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption}, add the hashtag #FMSPAD and then publish.
+ Check out the #FMSPAD hashtag to see all the other photos. Like them. Comment on them. Be part of the community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared on Instagram for the challenge. It’s four photos that have captured our attention from each prompt. Check the feed here to see the photos.
+ To make it easier to find all the daily photos, you can find and use the daily hashtags below. Simply add them to your caption when uploading to Instagram.  Alternatively, my App {The Little Moments App for iPhone/iPad} generates the daily hashtag for you automatically so it takes all the thinking out of it for you! The App will be closing at the end of this year, and is available for free, with free upgrades until then.


+ Upload the photo in our Facebook Photo A Day group {you’ll be added within 12 hours of requesting}, add a caption {you could mention the day and the prompt in the caption} and then publish. You’re also welcome to share on your personal page, if that’s how you like to roll.
+ Check out the photos shared in the group, or among your friends. Comment, like and be part of the photo-taking community.
+ Each day a Fab Four is picked from the photos shared in our Facebook group for the challenge by our lovely admin team. It’s four {or more} photos that have captured our attention from each prompt. The photos are made into a collage, shared and pinned to the top of the group.


+ For all devices and PC, we upload the prompts which you can download automatically into your phone or PC calendar. For Smartphones & Mac Calendar, click here. For HTML for web viewing, click here.
+ You can also print out the list, save it as your screensaver or save it to your camera roll.
+ If you’re a lucky iPhone or iPad owner, you can use the Little Moments App to remind you of what the prompts are, as well as make your photos a bit fancy. You can grab the App here.

Need help understanding each prompt a little better, check out the list below:

1. Out and about / #FMS_outandabout
Take a photo while you’re out and about. It can be anything you please!

2. Lights / #FMS_lights
Are there Christmas lights out where you are? Take a photo and share it. If there are no Christmas lights yet, any lights will do!

3. Something festive / #FMS_somethingfestive
Tis the season to feel festive! Take a photo of something particularly festive and share it.

4. I bought this! / #FMS_iboughthis
What have you bought recently? Share it!

5. The weather today / #FMS_theweathertoday
What’s the weather like today? I’m always intrigued by winter-y weather at Christmas time when we have tropical! So show me what it’s like outside.

6. Small / #FMS_small
Take a photo of something small. It could be a teeny decoration? Or whatever you please.

7. Homemade / #FMS_homemade
Have you been given something homemade? Or perhaps you’re making something. Share a photo!

8. Morning / #FMS_morning
Take a photo of your morning! What’s happening today?

9. Santa / #FMS_santa
Ho! Ho! Ho! Take a photo of Santa. Imagine if you spot him in the wild {probably at a shopping mall, but still!}.

10. Gift / #FMS_gift
Take a photo of a gift. Think outside the box!

11. Mail / #FMS_mail
I love me some mail! Take a photo of some mail you got!

12. Green / #FMS_green
Take a photo of something green!

13. Sparkle / #FMS_sparkle
Take a photo of something sparkly!

14. Red + white / #FMS_redandwhite
There is so much red and white at the moment {hint: candy canes!}. Take a photo of something red and white in colour.

15. Fun / #FMS_fun
Fun! Take a photo of something fun!

16. Wrapping / #FMS_wrapping
I love wrapping! Take a photo of something beautifully wrapped.

17. Tree / #FMS_tree
Take a photo of a tree! Doesn’t have to be a Christmas Tree but it totally can be!

18. Decoration / #FMS_decoration
So. Many. Decorations. Take a photo of a decoration.

19. Joy is… / #FMS_joyis
What is joy to you? Share it in a photo.

20. Xmas treat / #FMS_xmastreat
What’s something you only enjoy at Christmas time? Share it in a photo.

21. Star / #FMS_star
Find a star, snap it and share it!

22. I did this today! / #FMS_ididthistoday
What did you do today? Share a photo of it!

23. Tradition / #FMS_tradition
What’s a little tradition that you do at this time of year?

24. Xmas eve / #FMS_xmaseve
Today is Christmas Eve! Share what you get up to!

25. Celebrate / #FMS_celebrate
Yay! Celebrate! Pop the champers! Eat the delicious food. Share how you celebrate!

26. Hat / #FMS_hat
Pop on a hat {extra points for a santa hat!} and share a photo.

27. I’m grateful for… / #FMS_gratefulfor
What are you grateful for? Share a photo.

28. I got this! / #FMS_igotthis
You got what? That? Share a photo of it!

29. Selfie / #FMS_selfie
Smile! Take a photo of yourself. Share it!

30. Lunchtime / #FMS_lunchtime
What’s for lunch? Share a photo of it.

31. My best pic of 2019 / #FMS_bestpicof2019
The year is over and you will have taken SO many photos. Share your favourite.


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