Monday, October 14, 2019

Top 7 Green Smoothie Recipes

We researched the green smoothie recipes our community seeks out the most and the results are in! These top 7 green smoothie recipes have been curated to maximize our workouts, fight inflammation, and boost iron, and also help us find the perfect sweet treat that we can enjoy without the guilt. We want to share these recipes with you as well as answer some common questions you may have. This way you will know that the smoothie you’re sipping is truly helping you live your best life.

Are green smoothies really that good for you?

The short answer is yes! Yet, it depends on what you put in them. There are green smoothie recipes all over the Internet right now, toting a healthy label, however, they can be loaded with processed ingredients that ultimately outweigh the benefits. We like to keep our recipes simple—full of the good stuff—so that we can reap all the benefits. Can I get a kale yeah?! 

Did you know that green smoothies are an incredible source of fiber? The American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine has found that the typical American diet is lacking fiber, which can lead to Type II Diabetes and hypertension. Drinking just one green smoothie a day can give our bodies the fiber they need to reduced risk of certain types of cancer and have long lasting heart-health.

What is a green smoothie made of?

We like to follow what we call the 60/40 method: 60% fruits & 40% leafy greens. This balance give us the best of both worlds: a delicious, drinkable smoothie loaded with nutrients. Who wouldn’t want that perfect combo on a daily basis?!

One serving of the perfect green smoothie is:

Every ingredient in our smoothies is intentional yet all result in delicious, drinkable creations that make adding into our daily routine a breeze. The fruit + leafy green combinations are endless and that’s why it is SO easy to add in this healthy habit, no matter where you live.

What does a green smoothie do for your body?

Made the right way, green smoothies can help lower inflammation, fight sickness, aide in weight-loss, boost iron and detox our bodies. Sound too good to be true? It’s not! We love catering our smoothies to what we need that day. Each of these 7 green smoothie recipes provides a healthy and whole food solution to the question of how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Beginner's Luck Green Smoothie

#1 Beginners’ Luck Smoothie

This simple, yet sweet green smoothie is fun, delicious, and the top recipe we give to anyone trying green smoothies for the first time. It will be love at first sip for you and your kids! Click here to fall in love!

Fat-Burning Green Smoothie Recipes | Top Green Smoothie Recipes

#2 Fat Burning Smoothie

This green smoothie recipe specifically targets your metabolism speed. A faster metabolism leads to burning fat and aiding in weight-loss. Click here to start blending.

Anti Inflammatory Smoothie

#3 Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Inflammation doesn’t have to control our lives so why let it? Blend this nutrient-packed smoothie specifically designed to soothe your body. Click here to blend now.

Strawberry Banana Green Smoothie | Top Green Smoothie Recipes

#4 Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Packed with vitamins and minerals, this sweet (and purple!) smoothie is a fan favorite for kids + adults alike. Click here and start a blending party.

#5 Tropical Turmeric Cleanser Smoothie

So many health benefits result from this refreshing smoothie including cleansing the liver + fighting inflammation. Click here to blend up and cleanse.

Iron Rich Green Smoothie Bowl | Top Green Smoothie Recipes

#6 Iron-Rich Smoothie Bowl

Not all smoothies have to be sipped! This iron-rich smoothie bowl is a fun snack which can be loaded with toppings like a parfait and eaten with a spoon. Click here to blend this bowl.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie | Top Green Smoothie Recipes

#7 Banana Chocolate Smoothie

You can blend your milkshake then eat it too with this delicious chocolate treat. The perfect dessert smoothie your family won’t believe has spinach in it. Click here to blend this dessert-like smoothie.

Smoothie Shop with Mason Jars

How do you keep a green smoothie fresh?

We call green smoothies the healthiest fast food, because they are super easy to prep + blend, then drink right away or pack up for a busy day. Green smoothies are the very best if consumed immediately after blending, since fruits and veggies start to oxidize after 15 minutes, yet we know that doesn’t always happen. You can store your smoothie in an air-tight container (glass jars w/ lids are our fav!), and then refrigerate up to 2 days, or freeze and thaw when ready to consume. You can even turn any of the green smoothie recipes into a popsicle that you + your kids will love!

Prepping green smoothie recipes ahead also makes blending quicker, and helps keep your fruits and veggies from going bad before you can use them.

Ready to discover green smoothies for yourself? Click here to join our 7-day Green Smoothie Challenge where we make it as simple + affordable as possible to blend a daily smoothie.


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